It's felt like a lifetime since I was able to unleash my creative side! With a business, family, school and work there just wasn't time for me to do anything fun!
But that has changed, gone is the business and school (don't worry I didn't get rid of the family just so I could whip out the hot glue gun, although it has crossed my mind ;)). Am working part time so that leaves me at least 1 day a week where I can CRAFT CRAFT CRAFT!
My re entry in the crafty world has been a hazardous one, and I've got the burns to prove it! I've been working on some monogram wall art for me (of course) my niece and son. Apart from the 1st degree burns this is a fun and easy project which I guess could be done with a cold glue but then you have to wait for it to dry, deal with the fumes, I'm an instant gratification kinda gal so I like to be able to hang it as soon as it's finished!
My first attempt was on an canvas I've re purposed, it has a small tear in it as well as a spot where Mr 4 decided he would like a blob of glue...
I used all vintage buttons from a stash i uncovered at a op shop recently and it turned out a bit awesome if I do say so my self! (again ignore the tear and spot).
My second attempt looks much prettier, it's for my wee niece Miss 2.
Bit cute hey!
Next is and "N" in red's and blues. Will post a pic once finished!
Onto something not as crafty per say but so much fun,
Pinterest, heard of it? It's an awesome place to 'pin' inspiration, items of interest, recipes, tutorial or anything you want to keep for future reference, I think of it as a visual bookmark. If you haven't already got an account it's a must! You will need an invite to join so if you would like one leave your email in a comment below and I will be sure to add you as it's something no creative person should be without. If you would like to see what I'm going on about or wish to follow my pins press the button on the side of the page.
WARNING: I do not take responsibility for the hours you will spend pinning, make sure all animals, elderly and children are fed and can use the remote to avoid any problems!
Any who I'm signing off for my first post on my brand new spanking blog, I aim to get something posted at least once per day be it a craft I've made, a tutorial or something I've found on my journeys around the interwebs.